Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mid-week Motivation: Be an Early Bird!

I remember the days when I used to be a morning person. I would brag that I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off and never hit the snooze button. Let's just say that those days are long gone and my snooze button gets hit at least 3 times...on a good day. I hate not having time to really get ready and spend time on my appearance. I also hate that I can't enjoy a decent breakfast before I start my day. Being an early bird may seem painful but there are really so many benefits! Let's take a look at some of the benefits of being an early bird:

1. You'll have time to be more productive.  Get things done such as blogging, responding to emails, reading and minor cleaning.

2. Exercise. I love getting my workout out of the way in the morning. Even if you do end up exercising after work, a walk around the neighborhood or a 20 minute Zumba DVD would be  a great extra workout AND it'll get your blood flowing!

3. If you're a parent, enjoy some quiet time!

4. Eat a good breakfast! After all, it is the most important meal of the day! I have this dream of sitting at the table eating breakfast, sipping coffee or tea, and reading before work. This has never happened, ever.

5. Get to work early! You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish before your co-workers come in!

Check back next week for tips on waking up early!

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